flowerpot.gif on Environment




  • global warming �����³�ȭ


  • greenhouse gas ( GHG)

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  • emission




  • fossil fuels


  • remainsȭ��



  • desertif -ication


A: Did you hear that by the year 2100 some small island nations may      be  under water?

B: I know. The problem of golbal warming is becoming very serious


A: Wow, you look like you've been working hard.  Why are you      sweating  so much?

B: Well, I started biking to work instead of driving to cut down on      greenhouse gases.



A: Do you realize how much carbon monoxide the average car emits?

B: I know. That's why I hope those zero emission cars are on the      market soon.


A: Why did they choose the name "fossil fuels" for coal, oil, and gas?

B: Because they come from the remains of dinosaurs and other long     dead animals. Also, if we keep using them,  the human race will     meet  the same fate of those animals.


A:  I wonder how we are going to be able to feed everyone in the      future.

B: Me, too. And I just read that a lot of America's "bread basket" is     vulnerable to desertification


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